GrünGas Markt
CEGH GreenHydrogen Index
Publication date: 08.12.2024
download.CSVCEGH GreenHydrogen Index
Delivery Period | EUR/MWh |
10-Year PPA Pay-as-Produced | 167.374 |
Based on 100% power purchase agreement (PPA) supply , compliant with the Delegated Act, RED II.
MWh High Heating Value
CEGH GreenHydrogen PPA 40 Index
Delivery Period | EUR/MWh |
10-Year Pay-as-Produced | 158.793 |
Based on power supply, not compliant with the Delegated Act, RED II.
MWh High Heating Value
CEGH GreenHydrogen Spot Index
Delivery Period | EUR/MWh |
8-Dec-2024 | 204.535 |
Based on power supply, not compliant with the Delegated Act, RED II.
MWh High Heating Value
CEGH GreenHydrogen Forward Index
Delivery Period | Maturity | EUR/MWh |
January 2025 | Month +1 | 194.207 |
February 2025 | Month +2 | 197.304 |
Q1 2025 | Quarter +1 | 185.773 |
Summer 2025 | Season +1 | 146.304 |
Winter 2025 | Season +2 | 173.953 |
Calendar 2025 | Calendar +1 | 163.501 |
Calendar 2026 | Calendar +2 | 147.785 |
Calendar 2027 | Calendar +3 | 136.567 |
Based on power supply, not compliant with the Delegated Act, RED II.
MWh High Heating Value
Graph View
CEGHIX is shown per delivery day