Monday, 16 January 2017

CEGH: OTC volumes increased by 11% in 2016, Exchange traded gas volumes increased by 23%

  • 533 TWh were nominated in 2016 at the CEGH-VTP (Virtual Trading Point), an increase of 11.4% compared to the year before: This volume equals about six times the annual consumption of natural gas in the whole of Austria

  • 32.5 TWh of natural gas were traded at the Gas Exchange, an increase of 23% compared to 2015 and the highest traded volume in the history of CEGH Gas Exchange

  • At the CEGH Czech Gas Exchange 3.1 TWh were traded in 2016
    In 2016, 532.9 TWh of natural gas were traded on the CEGH-VTP, run by Central European Gas Hub AG (CEGH). At the Gas Exchange the traded volume increased by 23% to 32.5 TWh, compared to the previous year. The migration of the CEGH Gas Exchange spot and futures contracts to the pan-European PEGAS was successfully implemented on 1 December 2016.


CEGH OTC Market:

478.3 TWh of natural gas were nominated at the CEGH-Virtual Trading Point (VTP) in 2015, an increase of 9% compared to 2014. With a volume of 2.009 TWh on 9 February 2015, CEGH could set a new milestone for a single day, a new all time high in 10 years of CEGH.

The average churn rate at CEGH amounted to 3.37 in 2015. The churn rate is a measure of liquidity and indicates how often one cubic metre of natural gas is traded before it is finally transferred also physically.
By end of 2015 CEGH had 189 registered members, 80% of them are foreign European companies.

CEGH Gas Exchange:

With 26.48 TWh the total traded volumes at the CEGH Gas Exchange of Wiener Boerse in 2015 increased by 25% compared to 2014.

At the Spot Market 22.97 TWh of natural gas were traded in 2015, thereof 4.98 TWh at the Within-Day Market.
Volumes at the Futures Market in 2015 increased by 51% compared to the previous year to a total volume of 3.51 TWh.
The CEGHIX, the daily CEGH reference price, started in 2015 with EUR 21.655.-/MWh, and reached EUR 16.241.-/MWh on the last trading day in 2015. The highest price at the Day Ahead Market in 2015 amounted to EUR 26.462.-/MWh on 6 February 2015, and the lowest to EUR 15.704.-/MWh on 23 December 2015. The CEGHIX is the CEGH Spot Price Index determined daily based on all trades at the CEGH Gas Exchange Spot Market per day.

In February 2015, CEGH Gas Exchange of Wiener Boerse launched Saturday and Sunday Contracts in addition to the existing Weekend Contract, and at the Within-Day Market the “Front Hour” contract was implemented.

CEGH Czech Gas Futures:

Total traded volumes at the CEGH Czech Gas Exchange powered by PXE (POWER EXCHANGE CENTRAL EUROPE) reached 3.18 TWh in 2015, an increase of 324% compared to 2014.

In 2015 1.59 TWh were traded at the Futures Market, and also 1.59 TWh at the Spot Market, which was launched on 4 May 2015.

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