Thursday, 13 January 2022

2021 with new record volumes at the EEX CEGH Exchanges AT and CZ!

  • Traded volumes at the EEX CEGH Market Austria increased in 2021 to 230 TWh of natural gas, that’s a plus of nearly 40%!

  • EEX CEGH Czech Gas Exchange Market with a new all-time high in 2021, 28 TWh are an increase of 117% compared to 2020!

  • 749 TWh were nominated in 2021 at the CEGH-VTP (Virtual Trading Point).


Gottfried Steiner, CEO of CEGH: “2021 was a challenging year for the Energy Markets and especially the Gas Markets, nevertheless, we achieved a lot together with our partners and customers. Volatile gas prices between EUR 16.00/MWh and 177.40/MWh in one year were never seen before and a great challenge to all market participants.”



In 2021 in total, 748.9 TWh were nominated, the third best result in CEGH’s history.

The average churn rate amounted to 5.24 in 2021, which is the highest churn rate ever for CEGH (the churn rate is a measure of liquidity and indicates how often one cubic meter of natural gas is traded before it is finally transferred also physically).

The highest monthly churn rate ever was reached in July 2021 with a remarkable amount of 6.71!
By end of 2021, CEGH had 264 registered members.

EEX CEGH Gas Market Austria:

December 2021 brought a new all-time high on the Austrian EEX CEGH Gas Market with the record volume of 34.6 TWh traded! On the Spot Market, the new record volume of 16.19 TWh were traded in December, a plus of 69% compared to the same month in 2020.

The volumes on the EEX CEGH Gas Exchanges increased in 2021 to new record levels, with 230.9 TWh, volumes increased by 39.7% compared to the previous year.

On the Spot Market 132.8 TWh were traded in 2021 in total. Volumes at the Futures Market in 2021 recorded a volume of 98 TWh, an increase of 35% compared to the year before and a new all-time high at the Futures Market.

The number of Exchange members in Austria increased from 128 to 134 by end of December 2021.

The CEGHIX, the daily CEGH reference price, started in 2021 with EUR 17.04/MWh, and reached EUR 72.35/MWh on the last trading day in 2021. The lowest price was on 27/28 February with EUR 16.00/MWh, the highest CEGHIX was on 21 December 2021 with 177.40/MWh. The average price of all CEGHIX values in 2021 was 46.55/MWh.

EEX CEGH Czech Gas Market:

December 2021 was also a successful month at the EEX CEGH Czech Market with 3.65 TWh traded, and the highest ever traded volume of 2.91 TWh on the Spot Market!

In 2021 in total, traded volumes at the Czech Market reached 28.2 TWh, an increase of 117% compared to the year before. 18.7 TWh were traded at the Spot Market, and at the Futures Market the volumes increased by 139% to 9.6 TWh.

The number of members increased within one year from 37 to 45 companies.

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