Friday, 11 August 2023
CEGH has grown to 302 members in July 2023!
- 48.71 TWh were nominated at the CEGH VTP in July 2023.
- 30.0 TWh were traded on the EEX CEGH Market Austria.
- 1.61 TWh were traded on the EEX CEGH Czech Gas Market in July.
The nominated gas volumes at the CEGH VTP reached an amount of 48.71 TWh in July 2023.
The Churn Rate was 4.34 (The churn rate is a measure of liquidity and indicates how often one MWh of natural gas is traded before it is finally transferred also physically).
By end of July, CEGH had 302 members, 24 members more than in July 2022!
EEX CEGH Austrian Gas Market:
On the EEX CEGH Market Austria a volume of 30.0 TWh were traded in July.
The EEX CEGH Spot Market recorded a volume of 15.07 TWh and on the Futures Market 14.93 TWh were achieved.
By end of July, 150 members were registered on Austrian EEX CEGH Gas Market.
EEX CEGH Czech Gas Market:
On the EEX CEGH Czech Gas Market, 1.61 TWh were traded.
On the Spot Market, 0.82 TWh were traded, whereas at the Futures Market, the volume amounted to 0.79 TWh.
By end of July, 64 companies were registered on the EEX CEGH Czech Gas Market.