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Virtual Traders cannot have any physical position network use, no physical delivery and no access to balancing energy will be feasible) or trade on the Gas Exchange. For these services, a Virtual Trader must join a Balance Group.

  • Application for a CEGH Membership as a Virtual Trader :

To apply for a membership please click on the button bellow and follow the instructions.




General Terms and Conditions

Guide “How to become a CEGH



To be entitled to ship natural gas physically within or through Austria, companies have two options: a registration as BGRP or the use of Balance Group (BG) services. Both options are explained in detail on the relevant AGGM websites. AGGM is the market area and distribution area manager on the Austrian market and serves as one-stop-shop for the BGRP registration.

All BGRPs must comply with the applicable regulatory requirements (GMMO-VO 2020). Kindly note that, inter alia, a contractual relationship with the balancing entity AGCS is required. Applicants, please contact AGGM directly, contact details areprovided here: AGGM (Austrian Gas Grid Management AG).


If you are interested in an EEX CEGH Gas Exchange membership, please click here.

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