About us
Energy trading is based on trust and integrity, which are amongst the most important values that a market place may possess. Central European Gas Hub AG (CEGH) is committed to promote these values on its markets and business areas and to support compliance with applicable rules and regulations. To this end CEGH has enacted a binding Code of Conduct that is followed and adhered to.
Management and staff of CEGH have to sign up and to observe a set of internal regulations including a Compliance Code. These regulations ensure equal treatment of our members and that strict confidentiality regarding all trading activity is obtained. CEGH follows a strict zero tolerance policy towards any conduct by its members, customers, employees or third parties that is not in line with its values and regulations.
According to the legal requirements of the Austrian Gas Act 2011, CEGH has appointed a dedicated Compliance Officer who is responsible towards Energie-Control Austria and reports directly to the Executive Board. The Compliance Officer is responsible for monitoring abidance with rules and regulations and the further development of compliance matters.
Management and staff of CEGH are trained and advised on a regular basis by the Compliance Officer.
The supply of natural gas through an Austrian natural gas transmission or distribution system or any network connected to such a system (Gas Supply) is subject to the rules of the European Union on the common system of value added tax (VAT). Gas supplies which are taxable in Austria are subject to a reverse charge system if (a) the supplier has neither his place of business in Austria nor an Austrian permanent establishment involved in the gas supply and (b) the purchaser is registered in Austria for VAT purposes.
Natural gas traded on the Austrian Virtual Trading Point (VTP) is subject to the customs legislation of the European Union. The handling of customs declarations, documents of origin and duties is each party’s own responsibility. Central European Gas Hub AG (CEGH) shall not be subject to any obligations or liabilities in this respect.
For detailed information regarding VAT and customs regulations please click here.
Please find here our CEGH data protection statement.

Since 2009, Central European Gas Hub AG has been certified according to the quality management standard EN ISO 9001. This standard defines the minimum requirements in terms of quality control, which have to be fulfilled by companies, in order to provide products and services that meet their customers’ expectations and regulatory obligations. Moreover, the management system should be subject to constant improvement.
The main goals of CEGH’s Quality Management System are:
- To keep a good customer relationship in terms of the highest possible customer satisfaction
- Adding internal standards derived from shareholder standards to existing legal obligations
- To make sure that our working places and processes are secure and safe for our employees and the environment
- Integrated management is given as much consideration as all other critical business drivers
- An open dialog is appreciated
- Implementation is in the hands of the executives, but all employees play an active role in the integrated management system

Hannes Zimmermann
Head of VTP Operations & IT
Tel.: +43 1 270 2700 28525 E-mail: hannes.zimmermann@cegh.at“BERUF UND FAMILIE / FAMILY FRIENDLY” CERTIFIED
In order to ensure the compatibility of family life and work, we underwent the audit called “Beruf und Familie” and were awarded the corresponding certificate in 2017.
Being a family-friendly workplace is an important part of the corporate culture of the Central European Gas Hub. By participating in the Beruf und Familie audit, this understanding was put into a process for the first time in order to achieve continuous improvement and further development for the benefit of the employees.
The expected long-term effect is reflected in the satisfaction of the employees and also aims to show potential applicants that the work-life balance has an important role in our company.
The undertaken family-friendly measures:
- Flexible working, e.g. home office etc.
- Family-friendly meeting culture
- Information about and active use of all services provided by company agreements
- Internal communication of the completed and agreed measures
- Regular internal updates on ongoing audit activities
- Visible history of family-oriented measures by management.
For more information please click here.